Thursday, May 28, 2015

This is Dong Min basking in the sunlight. This is also the  first print I did.
I exposed the film for about 10 seconds and I turned up the magenta to 10 to add just a little bit more contrast.  


This photo was pretty easy to print. All I had to do was turn up the magenta (contrast) a little bit and expose it for 15 seconds. 


This photo was just a random snapshot of Bean an Susan that turned out to be one of my final prints. In the dark room I had to expose the negative for about 30 seconds and during that 30 seconds I had to dodge out Susan to make her lighter because in the original image she was very dark.


This is one of my abstract/nonobjective photos. Im not really quite sure what is going on in this photo but I sure do like it how it is. 

This photo was taken with a yellow filter on the lens of my camera. A yellow, orange or red filter will up the contrast in you photo and make the whites more defined. While printing this photo on the enlarger I set the timer for 15 seconds the get right exposure.